Sick Right Now? Here’s What You Can Do!

Have you caught the office lurgy?!

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The classical symptoms of fatigue, chills, runny nose, sneezing, coughing, a sore throat, and head and body aches are mostly due to your own immune response, rather than the harmful effects of the virus itself. Over 200 viruses can cause the common cold, and the most common one, the rhinovirus, enters your body via the nose and mouth. Once in your system, viruses will bind to tissues in these areas and inject their genetic material into your cells. The virus is then able to take control, and instruct the host cell to make viral particles using the cell’s own materials. These are then released from the cell to invade or attack other nearby cells. To sound the distress signal, these infected cells release chemical messengers known as cytokines, which activate the inflammatory processes that fight the virus, but also result in your symptoms.

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It’s Time to Fight Back!

Andrographis – Image result for andrographis

This potent Ayurvedic herb can help reduce the symptoms and duration of the common cold and stimulate certain white blood cells to consume and immobilise pathogens.

Andrographis can significantly improve the symptoms of acute upper respiratory tract infections reducing sick days in both adults and children.

Zinc – 

Supplementing with zinc within 24 hours of symptom onset reduced the duration and severity of colds and boosts the production and function of immune cells (called T cells) needed to eliminate pathogens from the body.

Supplementing zinc for a longer time period can also results in reduced infection rates, sickness-related absenteeism from work, and the need for antibiotic prescriptions.

Medicinal Mushrooms (cordyceps, coriolus, reishi and shiitake) – 

Image result for cordycepsThese mushrooms are able to provide symptomatic relief from the common cold, enhance immune strength and function, inhibit viral entry into host cells, and promote the production of antibodies.

Vitamin C – 

Studies have shown it can reduce the symptoms, severity and duration of the common cold, enhance the motility and migration of white blood cells during infection, getting them to where they are needed to fight invaders fast.

Are Antibiotics the Answer?

Many people race to the GP as soon as they are sick looking for antibiotics, but when it comes to viral infections, these are not best soldiers to be calling on. The American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention put it best when they advised “since the common cold is caused by viruses, antibiotics will not help it get better”. Antibiotics can indeed save lives, however it must be remembered that they are designed to kill bacteria, not viruses.

What Else Can You Do?

Despite all of the previously mentioned evidence on the efficacy of natural medicines, a seriously smart tactics include: Image result for chicken soup

  • getting ample rest and down time
  • consuming plenty of fluids – notably water, warming teas, and homemade chicken and vegetable soups and broths.
  • practice good hand hygiene by sneezing or coughing into a tissue (or at worst your elbow!), and washing your hands after blowing your nose or handling used tissues.
  • Also, avoid close contact with others during this time – you may need to apologise for not shaking hands, and explain to little ones that you will kiss them good night when you’re feeling better.

When it comes to colds and flus, prevention is  better than a cure.

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Amazing Grains – Barley

Barley is a good source of B vitamins (B6, niacin, thiamin, folate and riboflavin), vitamin E, iron, zinc, manganese and selenium.

High in fibre, barley is great for hunger control and also for stabilising blood sugar levels.

It is not gluten free.

Tip – add to soups and stews for bulk and a nutty depth of flavour.


Find A Forest

Forest ‘bathing’ – embracing nature’s sights, sounds and smells – can help reduce stress, lower blood pressure and improve immunity.

Plants emit phytoncides, an airborne chemical that protects them from insects and rot.

Turns out it’s good for us too!

No forest handy? A park works just as well!


Immune System – The Army Within

Essentially, your immune system is your body’s ‘Department of Defence’.

Your immune system protects you from potentially harmful invaders by recognising and responding to them as a threat.

When the immune system is functioning well, it acts like a powerful, well-regulated army. It consists of several highly specialised types of white blood cells, much the same way an army is made up of many different speciality divisions.


Contact me today to discuss natural solutions to help you defend yourself against colds and flus.

Getting Sick Too Often?

Whether you have a simple cold, a flu that makes you ache and sweat or a long term infection such as Ross River Fever, infection is a sign that your immune system has failed to defend you.

We are all exposed to viruses and bacteria every day, however we only fall ill sometimes and some of use more often than others.

The reason for this difference in susceptibility is to do with how strong and effective your immune system is.

If your immune system is robust, then even if you are in a crowd of sick people, you won’t develop an infection. On the other hand, if your immune system is struggling, then you will get sick more often and take longe to recover.

68C28218-A86E-4C93-964D-2CAF725475A6Contact me today to discuss natural solutions to help you defend yourself against colds and flus!

Your Gut Knows

Wellbeing starts in the gut.

In a healthy digestive system, good gut bacteria outweighs bad; it affects everything from cognitive function to your mood.

You need less:

– Processed foods

– Added sugar

– Daily stress

You need more:

– Probiotic rich foods such as kefir and yoghurt.