Suggestions For Your Health

Here are a few suggestions for your health determined by the categorization of your iris:

If you have a Neurogenic Iris:

  • Avoid stimulants such as coffee, black tea, sugar, soft drinks, and cigarettes
  • Limit or avoid alcohol consumption
  • Eat foods high in B vitamins such as whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds
  • Mineral support is essential (from green vegetables, seeds, nuts, and whole grains)
  • You have a sensitive nervous system, and may have headaches or skin eruptions
  • Drink chamomile tea 
  • Avoid eating late
  • Learn how to live with change
  • Release negative emotions
  • Stress reduction therapy, music, massage, deep breathing
  • Daily exercise
  • Avoid frequent loud noise
  • Take warm baths with Epsom or sea salts

If you have an Anxiety Tetanic Iris:

  • Sit down to calmly eat your meals each day and chew your food slowly
  • Eat foods that nourish the nervous system such as foods high in B vitamins (brown rice, wheat germ, seeds, nuts, lentils and seafood)
  • Pause throughout the day and breathe deeply
  • Practice stillness, meditation, and yoga
  • Listen to soothing music, go for walks, and get massages
  • Learn to say “No” and prioritize areas of most importance and let go of the rest
  • Drink chamomile tea

If you have a Poly-glandular Iris:

  • Eat foods that nourish the glands such as soaked nuts and seeds, legumes, sea vegetables high in iodine, bee pollen, royal jelly, blue-green algae, and chlorella.
  • Avoid sugar and processed foods.
  • Eat small meals throughout the day to keep blood sugar balanced.
  • Eat nut and seed butters, whole grains, salads, steamed and baked vegetables, fish, chicken and turkey.
  • Colon cleanses
  • Supplements: Digestive Enzymes, Chlorella, Dulse, Kelp, Chromium picolinate, Gymnema sylvestre, Cinnamon extract

If you have a Connective Tissue Iris:

  • Eat cabbage and drink cabbage juice to strengthen connective tissue
  • Take a vitamin C supplement with bioflavonoids, especially rutin
  • Drink oat straw tea and take horsetail herb
  • Eliminate devitalized foods and avoid caffeine, sugar, alcohol, and tobacco
  • Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds and beans
  • Get plenty of rest at night
  • Take breaks during the day.
  • It is best not to have a job where you have to stand all day
  • Cleanse the colon

(Remember: Please seek the advice of a qualified health care professional before beginning any health care regimen)

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