About Margaret McNamara

IMG_Margaret is a qualified Naturopath, Iridologist, Medical Herbalist & Nutritional Coach based in Brisbane.

Her belief in Natural Medicine began over 30 years ago when her son was diagnosed with severe asthma and was successfully treated using Naturopathy and Herbal Medicine.

Since then Margaret has balanced life as a busy Mum, Partner together with a Corporate Career.  These life experiences have enabled her to provide clients with both practical health solutions and lifestyle coaching strategies which fit their daily life so that they have lots of vitality and energy for work, family, friends and fun.

A client recently wrote, ‘ I have found Margaret to be an active listener who has the amazing ability to provide relevant health and mindset strategies that empower me to conquer the challenges of daily life’.

The human body is continually trying to remain in balance and heal itself – naturopathy assists in this process and brings lasting health and vitality.

Enquire today!

And see how Margaret can help you get your health back on track.

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